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Scenes for Reel

So your reel

isn't getting you work? 

 or don't have a reel at all?


 You need a reel, a good reel.

The scenes on your reel should show Casting Directors & Agents how you handle a scene;

what you can do and how well you can do it.

As Casting Directors we've seen thousands of reels that look and sound alike.


Who wants that?


That's where we come in to help you.

We create new scenes just for your reel, produced by people who know how to do it.


We are Award-Winning Casting Directors of film and theatre and have worked together for over for 30 years.

We know what Casting Directors, Agents, and Producers want in a reel and

how to get the performances that you need, out of you.  




The Details

Easy as 1,2,3
1. Schedule a free consultation

2. Decide on The Single (it's all about you)  or
The Two Shot (split it with a friend)
3. Pay holding fee ( 50%)
Then we will :
Decide on a scene and set, write the scene, hire the cast &crew.
Now, leave all the rest to us!




PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
due on booking
PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
due  2 weeks before

For individual actors looking to grow their reels!

Free Consultation

30-60 Second Scene

Award-Winning Directors

Filmed in 4K on CInema Cameras

Professionally-Written Scene

Professional Actor Scene Partner

Award-Winning Sound Designer

90 Minutes On-Set 

Rehearsing, Blocking and Shooting

Professional Sound Package

Professional Lighting Package

Professional Editing

Color Correction

 One 4K/Small Version Delivered

Delivery in  7 days or less




PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
due on booking
PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
due  2 weeks before

Bring another actor to work with and split the cost!

Free Consultation with Both Actors

30-60 Second Scene

Award-Winning Directors

Filmed in 4K on CInema Cameras

Professionally-Written Scene

that Shows Off Each Individual Actor

Work with Your Own Scene Partner

Award-Winning Sound Designer

120 Minutes On-Set 

Rehearsing, Blocking and Shooting

Professional Sound Package

Professional Lighting Package

Professional Editing

Color Correction

Two individuala 4K/Small Versions 

Delivery in  7 days or less



Add ons

One on One Coaching

 Work with Megan Foley and/or Chuck Marra

to delve further into

your scene and character to get your best preformance



Hair & Make up

Highly recommended. They will stay for your entire scene to make sure you look your best on camera.

You may bring your own as well but they must follow our Covid Protocols

$125/ shoot

 IG/ Tik Tok Edits

Edits created and sized for  specifically for Instagram and

Tik Tok

$60 for both

 Additional Edits

If you feel you want or need additional cuts.



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