Jessa Pyette - I wanted to give a shout out to Chuck Marra and Megan Foley Marra who have been the best mentors, teachers, and directors I could've ever asked for. They have helped me grow more than I ever thought I could as an actress...and as a person. You have given me insight, courage, and all the love in the world from day one in LA. Not only do you teach me more than I could've ever imagined about acting, you teach me about life. You see the parts of my heart that I hide from the world- and you label them important and you help me unveil them to the world in my acting. And now, I couldn't be more honored to call you my directors for the SECOND time. I'm so honored to be their student everyday.
Susan Damante - I have worked with Megan Foley Marra and Chuck Marra for as they call it: four “seasons” since July of 2016. They teach that YOU are the project. If you want to take charge of transforming your career in the entertainment industry, interview for the Foley Marra Project...
No BS. I have signed with an agent, written two plays, revitalized my solo show, and wrote/starred in/executive produced my first feature short. Plus they are loving, -Isupportivepeople-who sometimes kick Ya in the butt! 🎭
Ayden Layne Hodges - Day 2 of shooting the director came up to me and told me she was showing footage to her friends and they were like, "Oh my gosh, who is this kid?". She said that and my mind was blown. I knew you had told us things like that but I never thought that it would happen exactly like you said!
Your teachings are what gave me those abilities. You taught me to live through the moments and to take the beats. And that's what I did.Once again, this is thanks to you and Megan.Thank you for everything!
Maggie Egan - I can’t recommend this class enough. Megan Foley Marra and Chuck Do yourself a favor, take this class and recommend it to any actor you know in whom the light in their eyes is fading. These two will breath new life and passion into your career. It’s hard to explain it. You just have to experience it. You’ll receive care, Marra passion ,everything they’ve got during this course. Need to delve deeper into yourself to fully embody your character? This is the class for you. Did you used to book like crazy but need to learn how to navigate our new normal in Hollywood? This is the class for you. Are you not in the mood for harsh verbal abuse from your acting coach? This is the class for you. Don’t want to be babied and end up learning nothing? This is the class for you. Concerned you can’t afford a really good acting class? This is the class for you. Not only will you work on acting techniques, you will create the perfect role for yourself by writing it yourself and collaborating with the other actors to write your own play and perform it in a good theatre in Hollywood. Megan Foley Marra and Chuck Marra will nurture you the way good parents nurture their kids into becoming healthy wonderful adults. giveandtrust. Sounds medicinal. 😂 But it kind of is
Angelina Ramirez - My teachers for 3 years strong, Megan Foley Marraand Chuck Marra have been the best mentors. I came back to LA 3 years ago at my lowest point. I cried a lot in class. Chuck lit me up with passion to focus on me and own my power. Megan supported me with lots of hugs, encouraging words and phone calls. They both fostered me by letting me read and help at casting sessions for movies and commercials. Chuck studied with Lee Strasberg and using Lee Strasberg method has made me grow as an actor in ways I never imagined. I absolutely love these two humans. If you’re interested in studying as an actor, please consider contacting Megan. They even take students long distance! The following are some clips from a short I wrote and a few others I got to star in. Join us!!!
Patch Moore - I’ve been taking this class for the last 3 years...Since day 1 Megan Foley Marra and Chuck Marra have been a dream.
I’ve done 4 Plays with them, written 5 or 6 scripts, got a new manager, booked a Sprint commercial and the list keeps on growing every day!
They help you get out there and create content. There’s collaboration, harnessing of your skills, trial and error training and not to mention Chuck studied with Lee Strasberg and Megan and Chuck are working Casting Directors with a great eye for a scene and talent.
These guys are incredible, nurturing, knowledgeable, funny and they really create a comfortable environment for you to learn and try things and grow. If you’re looking for a class this one is a prime candidate since we’re on the subject of elections 👍🏻
If I haven’t said it before THANK YOU FOR YOU 😜, for all you have given. Not only to me, but to everyone else that walks into your studio excited to learn. You guys are one of a kind !
Jacob Glenn Aquino - So for the past couple of years I’ve been working with Megan, Chuck, & our many talented classmates onstage as well as on camera. We’ve done so many outstanding productions since I started and is easily the best class and environment you could ask for.
So for my actor friends, I encourage you to reach out to Megan and inquire about The Project.
Donavan Brown - Words can't express how much the The Foley-Marra Project has changed me in my acting abilities, but also in my abilities and understanding of myself. Anyone who wants to join an acting class where you learn from people who have done it, create content, learn techniques practiced by the greats, and master yourself, this is the one. Thanks for such an amazing start to 2018, and the rest of my life and career!
Pat Frey - This is where it all began for me 4 years ago. Megan Foley Marra and Chuck Marra. Started from an intensive and led to the Project. A talent manager, a commercial agent and theatrical agent. A Sprint commercial. Two TV shows and two more I can't talk about. I've written plays and performed in them. I have made lifelong friends. This is where it all began.
Joanna Burke - I just wanted to take a moment to tell everyone how proud i am of them!!!! You all have been doing such amazing work and I love seeing everyone’s success and accomplishments especially w the opening of the YOU shows and our other tribe members who have live shows currently running. I wish i could b there physically to support, but please know I am there in spirit always!!!! Break Legs everyone!!!! I know I haven’t seen a lot of my tribe lately due to an extremely busy schedule and new opportunities but It is BECAUSE OF YOU😉 that these new opportunities arise and that is something i will never forget...today I earned the honor and privilege of putting on my mocap suit for the 1st time to perform in the volume-and I thank each and every one of YOU for your patience, understanding, support and for Chuck Marra and Megan Foley Marra’s creation that is THE PROJECT!!!😘
YOU all have added and continue to add so much to my life and i love u all so much💕🦄
Rio Kelly - The production I was in this past weekend ROCKED!! Thanks to Megan, Chuck, and the cast of IT (and of course THEY and YOU too)! We had a full house (and overflowing) all three nights. It was Awesome to be back onstage after 20+ years, and I can't begin to Thank Chuck and Megan for steering the ship safely to port. They are Amazing!! If you ever want to be a part of The Project, NOW is the time to apply. This work has brought me HOME again and I am beyond grateful!! The Project Rocks!!