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Killing Hope
A comic homage to film noir
Rich Henkels
Sandra Bulk
Luca Cundo
Justine Reiss
Marcie Ryan
Directed By:
Megan Marra & Chuck Marra
Written By:
Chuck Marra, Rich Henkels, Sandra Bulk,
Luca Cundo, Justine Reiss, Marcie Ryan
Produced By:
Rich Henkels, Sandra Bulk, Luca Cundo, Justine Reiss, Marcie Ryan, Todd Gajdusek, Cat Hammons
Executive Producers:
Foley Marra Studios
Actors' Think Tank
The Lake Arrowhead Repertory Theatre Company
Director Of Photography:
Chuck Marra
Chuck Marra
Production Designer:
Megan Marra
Camera Editor and 1st AD:
Cat Hammons
Sound Engineer & Design:
Todd Gajdusek
Casting Director:
Megan Foley, CSA
Hair & Makeup Stylists:
Erica Medina
Mirta Anguiano
Assistant to the Directors:
Rosie McDonald
Production Assistant:
Rayleen Fetterman
Set Photographer:
Elena Polansky
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