"Audentes fortuna iuvat" -
"Fortune favors the bold"

Greetings from Saudi Arabia!
Happy New Year to you all from the other side of the planet from which we usually write.
We are working on a television show in the Middle East for the next few weeks.
Then it's back to L.A to work on another show.
This is to say that work is happening again, finally, and it is coming in the most unexpected ways.
Work began as soon as 2025 did. We kicked the year off with meetings in Orlando about a series that will hopefully shoot in May. We are just working out the details. Megan and I have been traveling for work since January 1st (actually December 31).

A week later, we were flying halfway around the world to Riyadh to spend a little over two weeks working on a "Television Event."
We are big believers that work begets work. We do the work, whatever work, that is in front of us, and that is part of the dream, and doing that work to the best of our abilities. And "doors open where there were only walls," as Joseph Campbell said.
And no, that is not just just a feel-good platitude:
WINO has just been selected to be screened in the Golden State Film Festival in mid-February!

CHOICES, our feature documentary, has worldwide distribution. Obviously, we are all excited. We will let you know more as it happens.
We are preparing four more shorts for the festival circuit: THE WRITER'S ROOM ( a wacky, off-beat comedy), RAW DEALS, (a dark comedic nightmare), THE PSYCHODYNAMICS OF MODERN THEORIES OF ACTING (which actually has nothing to do with acting), and our first horror suspense short, REFLECTED SHADOWS will all finally be released. It’s a big year here at the studio.
Also, we are budgeting and scheduling our first narrative feature film. It’s a very large undertaking but I have to say, all the prep and production and post for the shorts we have done are making thi process much easier than it would have been.
Do you realize how much we all say to ourselves, "No", "Not yet", or 'As soon as..." So yes, there is a heartbeat, a pulse again, in our industry. Now is the time to act—

Yes, now is the time to take action. And now is the time to act.
Make your voice heard. Whether it is a short film or a feature, a vertical film or a YouTube series, whether you write and act in a piece you've written or find a writer and collaborate, whether it is to make someone laugh, to wake someone up, to address a wrong, fix a hurt, or express a part of you that you want to, make your voice heard. Re-imagine your career as a new business idea. What do you think "You 2.0" will be like?
I hear people tell me, "Ugh...' I've re-invented myself over and over again, I've done me 2.0, 3.0, 5.0..." and I say, "Good! Keep reinventing, keep evolving. The world is spinning fast, keep up".
Rejection? Don't fear rejection. "No" doesn't mean "never!" It only means "not right now." You can let it burst your bubble, or ...If you always strive to do the best work you can, rejection just becomes a part of marketing; people know who you are. It all comes down to doing the work; whatever work you do, you can do the best you can. You don't need permission to do it. You don't need approval to do it. You need vision and passion.
Our world spins fast, but you are not like the world; you are more like the sun. You keep creating small creative explosions that radiate all over the world. The sun doesn't stop burning, and neither should the artist. People don't notice you? Don't feel bad; most people take the sun for granted. Whether the world tells you or not, the world needs all the artists it can get. Go.. Make people laugh. Wake people up. Make people feel. On whatever level you can, make the world better.